NJ State Taekwondo Hanmadang 2018
- Held on Sun, May 6 2018
- Standard Registration closed on • Fri, May 4 2018, 8:59 PM PT • Fri, May 4 2018, 9:59 PM MT • Fri, May 4 2018, 10:59 PM CT • Fri, May 4 2018, 11:59 PM ET
- Standard registration first event: $85.00, Additional events: $20.00

The NJ State Taekwondo Hanmadang is held annually in New Jersey. This year it is being brought to you by JC Taekwondo Academy located in Jersey City, NJ. It will be held at Dickinson High School in Jersey City, NJ on Sunday May 6th, 2018.
Taekwondo sparring is very well known as an Olympic sport. However, because of the high skill level and physical conditioning needed to be successful at sparring, the average Taekwondo School in the United States only has approximately 10% of the student body participating in sparring class and competitions. The NJ State Taekwondo Hanmadang events are for the other 90% of Taekwondo students who do not participate in sparring.
The NJ State Taekwondo Hanmadang offers the opportunity for the 90% to showcase their skills in traditional forms, creative forms, creative board breaking, power breaking, and demonstration team events. Additionally, parents, grandparents, children, uncles and aunts can create teams and participate together. This unique ability for families to participate together is one that draws such strong participation numbers
For more details, please visit the official NJ State Hanmadang website at www.NJHanmadang.com.
Before registering you will need the following:
- Valid email address
- Electronic Picture
- Electronic Music File (TEAM DEMO & CREATE FORMS ONLY)
- Participant Belt Rank
- Participant Age, Height and Weight
- Taekwondo School Name
- Taekwondo School Master or Grandmaster
- Taekwondo School phone number
14 Events
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Team of 2 to 10 Members
- 90 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
- Individual Event
- 90 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
- Team of 2 to 10 Members
- 90 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
- Team of 2 to 10 Members
- 90 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
- Individual Event
- Break 1 to 6 boards
- 60 seconds to setup
- 60 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 30 seconds to perform
- Individual Event
- 45 seconds to perform
- Team of 5 to 40 Members
- 120 seconds to setup
- 420 seconds to perform
- Music Recommended
William Dickinson High School
Jersey City, New Jersey 07302
United States 201-333-1006
The tournament host has not made any announcements for this tournament at this time. Please check back often to keep updated with the latest information.
The tournament host has not provided any additional resources for this tournament.
This feature is comming soon!